I now have a facebook friend who doesn't speak english. How cool is that? I kinda hit a rut here in Arequipa with the food poisoning. I've been here a week and really haven't done enough. Not that anyone should feel bad for me, and I'm sure no one does. Every day here is beautiful, my room is comfortable and only 17 bucks a night, and I've just had an amazing meal which will soon be topped with dessert. Pic of meal up top. Grilled lamb with mint, fettuchini, and asparagus. This will probably be the most expensive meal I eat in Peru. I'm almost ashamed but not really. The entre was about 20 bucks US and I had a cocktail and dessert too. That really is absurd for Peru, but whatev.
I may leave for Puno tomorrow or hang in Arequipa a few more days. I'd like to travel with a father and his daughter that I met here. They were in town for a wedding. Need to finalize that with them tonight.
Oh wow, just got dessert and it's pretty! I swear, I'm not gay. Pic attached.
-- Sent from my Palm Pre
Oo... yum... want! Me gusta.